PROJECT 1 : Training staff to become secure conscious
Omega 1 undertook a project to conduct unannounced penetration tests of a major corporations secure and sensitive site. The resulting tests identified inherent weakness within the training of personnell and systems in place. As a result of the tests, Omega 1 initiated staff traing and minor changes to ensure systems were now more robust and secure.
PROJECT 2 : Loss revenue counter measures
Working closely together with the client, Omega 1, conducted audits to identify how many employees had registered businesses that had not been disclosed to their employer. The resulting investigation identified 35% of the employees had undisclosed business and a further 14% were conducting these businessess during company hours. Omega 1 provided training and education for all employees to advise of business practices in the work place.
PROJECT 3 : Personel physical (or body guard) protection
Initiating and provding close protection for the Chairman and senior executives of an international corporation on all international business trips. The proactiveness of the Omega 1 staff was well received by the Chairman and Omega 1 was cited as best in class for these services by an independent external evalution
PROJECT 4 : Relocation anaysis a risk assessment
Prior to a company moving into a new location, Omega 1 were deployed to conduct the necessary due diligence on property, location, infastructure and ensure that there would be minimal risks to the company. On several occasions Omega 1 identified potential risks with the owners of the building or location issues for staff working late at night.